Friday, December 16, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

Dear Santa I Want

  1. MW3 
  2. Saint Row 3 
  3. iTunes Card ($50) 
  4. PlayStation Card ($50) 
  5. Laptop
  6. 5 dollars 
  7. 10 dollars 
  8. 20 dollars 
  9. 50 dollars 
  10. 100 dollars 
  11. Headphones 
  12. Xbox 360 
  13. King Size bed 
  14. Socks 
  15. 185 dollars 
  16. Ipod touch 
  17. No school 
  18. Calvin and Hobbes Books  
  19. Ski Pants 
  20. SNOW!!!!!                                                        

Monday, November 7, 2011

Phone Prank

Hi, I'm a kid in Major School and I'm going to pull a prank on my teacher. The next time she answer the phone I'm going to hit speaker phone and going to say sorry, we don't want what you are selling. Please call again.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Homonyms By Liam


1. To, too, two A) I will go to the store.

B) Can I come too?

C) Are the two of you going together?

2. There, their, they’re A) There are a lot of people at the store. B) Can I go to their house? C) They’re going to town to buy milk.

3) By, bye, buy A) I’m going by at person.

B) Can I buy that shirt for the store.

C) He said bye to his family right before he left to school.

4) Barry, berry, bury A) Barry when home sick today.

B) When Barry ate the berry he turned white and fell on the ground. C) We have to go and bury the body.

5) Pair, pare, pear A) That pair of clothes looks good together.

B) We are going to pare that tree.

C) That pear looks so good.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

"Don’t be so humble - you are not that great

It isn't homework unless it's due tomorrow and Start every day with a smile and get over with. Witty Quotes and sayings.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Cell Phone

Cell phones are the most useful things in the world. The cellular phone is portable, easy to use, and awsome. You can text, take pictures and send them to your freinds. There is a calculator on it, and you can't text in class. Isn't that great!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Spelling and Math What it Better.

Well first I'll start with math. Math is your every day unit. It's not like 1+1=2 done it is like 38967453636.7777x64664637272636363442= Error, then you + 5 and then round it off. Now spelling on the other hand is easy. You fill in the blank or yes and no questions. So as you can see I like spelling better.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

Tuck tape

Tuck tape is very strong. It is stronger than duct tape. You test it and tell me what is better.

Texting This is why you don't text and drive. I think texting and driving is bad because you can be in a crash. You can get a fine if you get caught by the police.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Whatzs up

Hey it the week end so WHATZZS NEW???????

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Twitter is a great way to let out your feeling or different stuff you want to tell the world. So sign up now. It is worth it. Go to this link and sign up. Follow my Class Twitter @ MajorTweeters.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011
