Friday, October 21, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Homonyms By Liam
1. To, too, two A) I will go to the store.
B) Can I come too?
C) Are the two of you going together?
2. There, their, they’re A) There are a lot of people at the store. B) Can I go to their house? C) They’re going to town to buy milk.
3) By, bye, buy A) I’m going by at person.
B) Can I buy that shirt for the store.
C) He said bye to his family right before he left to school.
4) Barry, berry, bury A) Barry when home sick today.
B) When Barry ate the berry he turned white and fell on the ground. C) We have to go and bury the body.
5) Pair, pare, pear A) That pair of clothes looks good together.
B) We are going to pare that tree.
C) That pear looks so good.